An 18-year-old budding basketball player has been battling for her life at the DMCH in Ludhiana for the past four days after three youths, who allegedly tried to rape her, pushed her off a 25-foot-high roof of an indoor stadium here on August 12.
Doctors say the girl, who belongs to the Dalit community, has suffered fractures in both legs, feet and jaws. Of the three suspects, the main one has been identified as Jatin Kanda, son of a jeweller.
The girl’s father, who works as a labourer at a local rice mill, claimed the police daily-dallied on registering the case. “A policeman came from Moga today and recorded my statement,” he said, adding his daughter was not in a position to record her statement.
“A case was registered today against Jatin and two unidentified persons. Jatin is yet to be arrested,” said Daljeet Singh, SHO, City (I) police station.
This story was originally published in tribuneindia.com . Read the full story here