By Clarion India

Team Clarion

LUCKNOW – Stung by the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) poor showing in Uttar Pradesh in the just concluded general elections, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has intensified its activities in the state.

Discussions on Wednesday, the first day of the four-day RSS meeting of officials from the four provinces of the eastern region, centred around the expansion of branches and increasing outreach among Dalits and backward classes.

The session, held at Saraswati Shishu Mandir in Nirala Nagar, was chaired by the RSS’ Akhil Bharatiya Baudhik Pramukh, Swant Ranjan, also discussed preparations for celebrating the centenary year of the Sangh next year and the gurudakshina programme.

Swant Ranjan urged the officials to start preparing for the gurudakshina programmes of the Sangh starting from September. The whole year will have to focus on the expansion of the Sangh Parivar.” He highlighted the need for special efforts to expand the Sangh’s branches and increase the number of pracharaks.

“A lot of work is still needed to make a strong foothold among the Dalits and backward classes while increasing social harmony,” Ranjan said.

Suggestions were also solicited from regional officials during the meeting. Attendees on the first day included regional officials from the Sangh’s eastern region’s Awadh, Kashi, Gorakhpur, and Kanpur provinces.

This story was originally published in Read the full story here.