Report on the persecution of Christian minorities in India

Attacks by Hindu nationalists to destabilize the country

The document shows that some 300 attacks against Christians have been reported in the last 9 months. The perpetrators are the followers of the Hindu-nationalist ideology, which is promoted by the ruling party headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and which is implemented at the level of state legislation through the so-called anti-conversion laws (prohibiting incitement to adopt a religion other than Hinduism), which are treated as a pretext for acts of aggression carried out with the tacit approval of the authorities.

The publication of the report was accompanied by a press conference in the Diocese of Jaipur with the participation of several civil and religious organizations. “Bishop Oswald Lewis from Jaipur pointed out that India is a country where all religions are respected, whose followers have lived together for centuries in harmony and peace. In recent years, however, minorities, especially Christians and Muslims, have been targeted by radicals who are trying to destabilize the country, “reports Vatican News.

Opposition to persecution of religious minorities needed

“Peace-loving people in our country must act against these atrocities to stop them,” said Saiyad Saadat Ali of the Society for the Protection of Civil Rights. As a representative of one of the Muslim organizations, Jamat-e-Islami Hind, added, India is now the scene of a political game aimed at dividing society by inciting hatred against religious minorities.

Last October, Pope Francis met in the Vatican with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which was described as “warm”. Relations between the Holy See and India and the fight against “climate change” were discussed. Not a word was spoken about the persecution of Christians during the audience or later from the incumbent pope.

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