In a disturbing incident from Rajasthan’s Barmer district, a Dalit youth named Shrawan Meghwal faced brutal public humiliation and assault on January 10 within the Gudamalani police station area. Accused of involvement in a bike theft, Meghwal was tied upside down from a tree by a group of locals and mercilessly beaten.
A video of the horrifying act, showing Meghwal crying and pleading for mercy, has surfaced on social media, triggering widespread condemnation. The shocking visuals have ignited nationwide outrage, with calls for immediate justice and action against the perpetrators.
The assault highlights the continued prevalence of caste-based violence in India, sparking renewed debates about the safety and dignity of marginalized communities. The Barmer police have been urged to act swiftly to bring the offenders to justice and prevent such incidents from recurring, as demands for accountability grow louder across the country.
Speaking on the case, the station house officer (SHO) Mukta Pareek said a case has been registered against five to six individuals based on Meghwal’s complaint.
According to Barmer superintendent of police (SP) Narendra Singh Meena, Meghwal was previously arrested for allegedly stealing a bike but was later released on bail. The assault took place after these allegations resurfaced.
“Investigation into the case is currently going on,” the officer said.
This story was originally published in