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RSS chief locks horns with BJP leaders (1995)

Times of India

Ban on Vishwa Hindu Parishad condemned (1995)

Times of India

VHP ban assault on rights : BJP (1995)

Times of India

Swadeshi now RSS’ pet agenda ( 1994)

Times of India

Hindutva our mission : BJP (1994)

Times of India

Return To Hindutva Vital For BJP (1994)

Times of India

RSS to stress ‘swadeshi’ move (1994)

Times of India

RSS chief warns Rao on Dunkel (1994)

Times of India

Liberals failed to counter communal forces (1994)

Times of India  

Hindutva can be emancipatory (1994)

Times of India

VHP to teach ‘educated illiterates’ (1994)

Times of India

BJP in dilemma over renaming (1993)

Times of India