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The Anglophile in the white dhoti (1995)

Times of India

Hindu Tolerance (1995)

Times of India

Hindutva forces bid to go international (1995)

Times of India

BJP’s Forked Tongue (1995)

Times of India

Hindutva to remain BJP’s main plank (1995)

Times of India

Vajpayee for softer stand on Hindutva (1995)

Times of India

Why the BJP cannot have a Secular face (1995)

Times of India

VHP stresses on power of Hindutva (1995)

Times of India

BJP to refine its stand on minorities (1995)

Times of India

Kashmir: The road ahead

This chapter was first presented to a MCISS-South Asia seminar in 1992, and revised as a note prepared for the Center for the Study...