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Modi rides piggyback on Sardar (2002)

Times of India

RSS affiliates plan protests against govt – 2002

Times of India

Sangh members are govt pleaders ( 2002)

Times of India

Sangh outfits got 20% of allotments (2002)

Times of India

Modi and Vajpayee sing different tunes (2002)

Times of India

The Next Generation: In the Wake of the Genocide – A Report on the...

This story was originally published in coalitionagainstgenocide.org Read the full story here

Crime against humanity: An inquiry into the carnage in Gujarat

Mapping the violence Sixteen of Gujarat’s 24 districts were engulfed in the most organised armed mob attacks on Muslims between February 28 and March 2,...

Testimony of Kamal Mitra Chenoy – USCIRF Hearing on Communal Violence in Gujarat, India...

This story was originally published in coalitionagainstgenocide.org Read the full story here

Testimony Of Najid Hussain U.S. Commission On International Religious Freedom Hearing On Communal Violence...

This story was originally published in coalitionagainstgenocide.org Read the full story here