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2,300 booked under UAPA in J&K since 2019, nearly half still in jail

By Naveed Iqbal  Since 2019, the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) administration has booked over 2,300 people in more than 1,200 cases under the Unlawful Activities...

Bloodlust TV: Aman Chopra invents ‘Moradabad Hindu exodus’ to revel in bigotry

By Yusra Hasan As the Uttar Pradesh assembly election draws close, we can expect the usual suspects on Indian news TV to ramp up the...

Q&A: Meeting Modi only added to hopelessness, says Kashmir leader

By Rohin Kumar Srinagar, Indian-administered Kashmir – Thursday marks the second anniversary of India scrapping the special status of the portion of Kashmir it administers – the most far-reaching...

‘Curing’ Poverty: Dangerous Fallacies of ‘Population Control’ amid the Pandemic

These quotes have been selected from Aprajita Sarcar and Mohan Rao's article, “Pandemic as Population Check? The Dangerous Fallacies of Populationism,” which explores the dangers...

Modi’s Aura of Invincibility Is Starting to Crumble

By  Neelanjan Sircar In the run-up to India’s 2014 elections, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP, campaigned on the slogan, Achhe din aane waale...

‘Team lost at Tokyo Olympics because it had too many Dalits’: Upper caste men...

By FPJ Web Desk India's dream of a gold medal on their maiden entry into the knockout stages of the women's hockey competition came to a...

Delhi Pogrom: Court Frames Charges Against Dinesh Yadav for Setting Muslim Woman’s House on...

A Delhi court has framed charges against a man who was allegedly part of a mob that set a Muslim woman’s house on fire...

Hindu Nationalists Hold Rally in India Advocating for Anti-Christian Violence

08/05/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that Hindu nationalist leaders in India held an anti-Christian rally in the...

‘If Kashmir is ‘Normal’, Why are Our Sons Still in Jails of Other States?’

By Kamran Yousuf Srinagar: Two years after the special status of Jammu and Kashmir was revoked, several families await the release of their sons who...

India becomes unapologetically Hindu under PM Modi

By Nirendra Dev August 5 marks the second anniversary of the constitutional amendment initiated by the Narendra Modi government to take away the functional autonomy...

Two houses in Moradabad locality sold to Muslims, residents threaten exodus

By Sukrita Baruah  Residents of a middle-class neighbourhood in Western Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad have put up posters declaring that their houses are up for sale...

How Caste Discrimination Impacts Child Development and Stunting in India

By Ashwini Deshpande and Rajesh Ramachandran Note: This article is based on a data narrative written for the Centre for Economic Data and Analysis (CEDA). The original...

Two Years After Article 370 Read Down, Rights Violations Continue: J&K Rights Forum

New Delhi: Two years after the military lockdown and loss of statehood, special status and division of the state, the Forum for Human Rights in...

