Mumbai: On December 10, a man vandalised the replica of the constitution placed in the heart of Parbhani city. The act of vandalism was unprovoked, and the culprit, Sopan Pawar, was apprehended right at the scene of the incident.
However, the incident sparked a call for a bandh in Parbhani district. On December 11, a total shutdown was called in the district, which soon escalated into full-blown violence. Angry Ambedkarites took to the streets, shouting slogans and demanding ‘instant justice.’
The agitation grew more violent as activists vandalised both public and private property.
Since then, the police have filed eight FIRs and arrested over 50 people – many of whom are women and young men from the neighbouring Dalit bastis like Bhim Nagar and Priyadarshini Nagar.
The root of the violence, Pawar, who desecrated the constitution’s replica, was declared to be “mentally deranged” within hours of his arrest. Locals claim they do not know Pawar, and that details of where he is from, whether he is a local or if he travelled to Parbhani are not known to them either. According to the police, Pawar, a man from the OBC Dhangar community, indulged in the act “without knowing the repercussions” of his actions.
Hours after Pawar’s arrest on December 10, special inspector general of Nanded, Shahaji Umap, who is overseeing the investigation, claimed that Pawar is a “lunatic”. There is no clarity about how the police reached this conclusion even before a proper scientific test could be conducted on him.
This story was originally published in thewire.in. Read the full story here.