Muslim women face 47.1% discrimination in Indian job market, reveals report

A new report by Led By Foundation raises concern as Muslim women were found to be discriminated in the Indian job-market.

The study conducted over a period of 10 months discovered that for every two job call backs a Hindu women receives, a Muslim women only gets one.

According to the methodology used by the researchers, a staggering 47% discrimination rate against Muslim women were found.

Two “equally qualified résumés”, one taking the name of Habiba Ali, a Muslim woman and the other, Priyanka Sharma, a Hindu woman, were created by the researchers for the study. Over a period of ten months, 1000 job applications from each profile were sent to 1,000 job portals such as LinkedIn and Naukri. The responses were surveyed and the results were shocking in the least.

While the Hindu woman received 208 positive responses, the Muslim woman received only half of that (103).

Regarding the callbacks each of them received, “41.3% of the recruiters connected with Priyanka over phone calls, while only 12.6% spoke with Habiba over a call.”

Geographically, North India clocked less in discrimination rate(40%) as compared to the jobs in the South(60%) and West India (59%).

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