Hindu Nationalists Persecute Christian Charities, Including Mother Teresa’s Nuns (Stream)


Few threads are as sensitive or as consequential as those governing the flow of money across borders. India, the world’s largest democracy, has recently tugged at these threads with the heavy hand of intolerant Hindu nationalism. India has implemented its amended Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA) Rules 2022 in the name of enhancing “transparency and accountability” in foreign contributions to nonprofit organizations. In fact, the government is using this law to strangle Christian charities.

Rules such as India’s threaten freedom in many countries, as do Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) in Western democracies and the “social credit” system in China.

One Bank Branch Now Controls Entire Foreign Funding of Nonprofits

The led government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi now requires NGOs to pledge that foreign contributions would not be used for activities detrimental to “national interests,” which for the Modi’s party includes preaching the Gospel.

These amendments have their root in the ruling political parties’ affiliation to the Hindutva philosophy. Hindutva is an extremist political ideology that advocates for the primacy of Hindu identity and culture in India while coming down hard on religious minorities and their rights. For instance, open street Gospel preaching, once common in India, is no longer seen anywhere. Gospel conventions and large public prayer gatherings also have disappeared.

But the control extends beyond religious activities and has impacted the charities associated with Christian organizations. Several, including Compassion International, have been forced to cease operations in India due to FCRA-related issues. Many smaller Christian NGOs have reported difficulties in maintaining their programs due to funding restrictions. Thousands of orphans who were once supported by foreign funding now face a bleak future, with no access to schools or a healthy diet. Many struggle to have two morsels of food a day.

This story was originally published in stream.org. Read the full story here.

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