Five years, no progress: Petitioners reflect on their fight for accountability in Jamia police violence (Maktoob Media)

By Shaheen Abdulla

Mohammed Minhajuddin’s parents and friends have been telling him to drop his legal battle against the police violence on 15 December 2019 inside the campus of Jamia Millia Islamia in New Delhi.

He lost his left eyesight that night in the police assault that left nearly a hundred students injured and thousands traumatised. 

However, the law research scholar is reluctant to be defeated by fear. Even after five years and no progress, he keeps returning to the hearings, often hiding it from his parents.

“Why do I do it? I am doing this because, how can I stop? This happened to me and I believe in the law. Suppose I will forget everything, I will drop everything, and tomorrow, it will happen to someone else and that person will also leave everything. Then what is law?”

Minhaj says it would make no sense to be a law student if he can’t get any justice for what happened to him.

Minhaj is not alone in the prolonged fight for justice for the students. Mohammed Mustafa is also adamant that he will fight back until his last breath also his hopes are fading as years pass by.

Mustafa and Minhaj were inside the reading room of Jamia’s library when police barged in breaking down doors. Mustafa was attacked inside the room, on his way out of the building, outside the library, on the road outside campus and inside the police vehicle after he was detained.

This story was originally published in Read the full story here.

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