Faridabad: Faridabad police has invoked three sections, including mob lynching, of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita in its chargesheet filed against the five cow vigilantes who allegedly shot dead a student here, mistaking him for a cattle smuggler, police said on Thursday.
On August 23, Aryan Mishra, 20, and his friends, Shanky and Harshit were in a car when the accused — Saurabh, Anil Kaushik, Varun, Krishna and Adesh — began following them on the Delhi-Agra National Highway as they had received information that some suspected cattle smugglers in two SUVs were doing recce in
the city.
When the accused asked the victim to stop the car, the driver accelerated, following which they opened fire and Mishra was shot dead near the Gadhpuri toll in Palwal. All the accused were arrested on August 28.
Talking to PTI, ACP (crime) Aman Yadav said the crime branch filed the 600-page chargesheet with the statements of around 30 witnesses, including Msihra’s copassengers, before a judicial magistrate’s court in Faridabad two days ago.
This story was originally published in Read the full story here.