The purported letter is fake as there was no organisation of the said name or any news reports to back the contents of the letter.

By The Quint

On the day of the polling of the Phase 3 Lok Sabha elections, a letter addressed by an organisation named Association of Sunni Muslims is being shared on social media platforms.

What are the contents of the letter?

“The Association of Sunni Muslims (Dubai) announces full financial support, including ticket booking and reimbursement for already booked tickets, for Muslims participating in the Indian elections on May 7 in Karnataka and other states. The objective is to defeat fascist forces and restore the Indian National Congress, which is a true friend of Muslims, to power in these elections.” (sic.)

The letter comes on a day people in Karnataka are will be voting.

The fake letter being shared on social mediaThe Quint

(We have refrained from adding archives so as not to give out people’s personal information.)

A query regarding the letter was received on The Quint’s WhatsApp tipline number.

Is this true?

The purported letter is fake as we could not find any organisation of the said name or any news reports to back the contents of the letter. Additionally, the address and contact details mentioned in the letter also turned out to be fake.

This story was originally published in Read the full story here.