Maharashtra’s Fisheries and Ports Minister, Nitesh Rane, has stirred fresh controversy with his remarks at a Hindu Garjana Sabha in Sangli on Friday. Addressing the gathering, Rane equated EVMs with the phrase “Every Vote Against Mullah,” prompting widespread condemnation from various political leaders and parties.
According to news agency IANS, Rane stated, “They (opposition) are blaming EVMs, but they cannot digest the fact that the Hindu community has voted unitedly. They fail to understand this unity among the Hindu community. EVM stands for ‘Every Vote Against Mulla’.”
The comments were met with sharp criticism from Opposition leaders.
Shashi Tharoor Slams Nitesh Rane’s ‘Shocking’ Remarks, Brinda Karat Demands Arrest Over ‘Hate Speech’
Congress MP Shashi Tharoor described the statement as “shocking” and contrary to the inclusive values championed during India’s independence movement.
Speaking to news agency ANI, Tharoor said, “This kind of thing is quite shocking. In our country, we really have to understand the basic lesson of the freedom struggle, which is that when one set of people said that religion is the basis of their nationhood. They went away and created Pakistan. Mahatma Gandhi onwards, our leader said we have fought for the freedom of everybody. We will create a country for everybody, we will write a constitution for everybody, and everybody will live here with equal rights.”
This story was originally published in Read the full story here.