The Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University on Thursday said amendments proposing the inclusion of readings from the Manusmriti to the syllabus of the Faculty of Law have been rejected.

“Today, the Delhi University received a proposal from the Faculty of Law suggesting changes to some courses. The two suggested texts and the amendment have been rejected by the University and will not be taught,” Vice-Chancellor Yogesh Singh said in a statement.

The amendments, which were unanimously approved by the department’s Committee of Courses in June, were scheduled to be reviewed in the Academic Council meeting on Friday. The revisions pertained to the courses Jurisprudence I and II, and proposed to include readings from Manusmriti With The Manubhasya of Medhatithi by G.N. Jha and Commentary of Manu Smriti – Smritichandrika by T Kristnasawmi Iyer.

A University official said that although the amendments were to be discussed on Friday, the Act of the University “empowers the V-C to take any decision regarding the larger interest of the University, students, and staff”.

“In a meeting today, the matter was discussed with the Dean of the Faculty of Law and decided on accordingly,” he said.

The amendments had been slammed as “politically motivated” and “unnecessary” by several faculty members.

This story was originally published in Read the full story here.