Delhi: Hindutva Men Assault Muslim Tutor over Fee Dispute with a Parent (Clarion India)

Bhim Army’s help sought as police allegedly ignore complaints from the victim

By Clarion India

Team Clarion

NEW DELHI – A Muslim tutor, who runs a coaching centre, was allegedly assaulted by supporters of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and other fringe Hindutva groups over allegations of conversion following a dispute with a parent on tuition fees in East Delhi’s Shakurpur locality.

In a video statement, Irfan, the brother of the tutor Abrar, sought help from Bhim Army, a group of Dalits, as the police allegedly ignored their complaint.

Irfan said his brother has been operating Joint Mentor of Discipline (JMD) coaching centre for the last 12-13 years in the area. On 4 July, they had dispute with a parent and Abrar and the latter had heated arguments over the phone.

“The parent brought people from Tiger Group and Vishwa Hindu Parishad and beat us up. My elder brother was brutally thrashed. He was kept in the ICU for a few days,” said Irfan.

Now, these groups are threatening to kill the brothers. “We have filed a complaint with the police but they are not paying attention. They are asking us to approach different people. They drove us away,” he said.

“We are living in fear. They are roaming around our home. They are sending their men to check whether we are at home or not. We were forced to live at the house of our acquaintance. We request the Bhim Army to help us,” he said.

This story was originally published in Read the full story here.

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