Dalit woman student of Madurai Kamaraj University alleges harassment by professor ( thenewsminute.com )

In her complaint, the student alleged that Shanmugaraja, an assistant professor in the History Department, used casteist slurs against her.

A Dalit woman student in the Madurai Kamaraj University has alleged that she is being harassed based on her caste by an assistant professor for nearly two years. She has also alleged that the assistant professor used sexually coloured remarks, following which she filed a complaint with the university’s vice-chancellor.

According to the complaint filed by the student, she was allegedly verbally harassed by Shanmugaraja, an assistant professor in the History Department, on multiple occasions. “Initially he would abuse me using my caste name, but later it devolved into body-shaming and sexually coloured comments. He also questioned why I should be studying, referring to my caste, which was extremely insulting to my self-respect,” the student told TNM. The student belongs to the Pallar community, which comes under the Scheduled Caste (SC). After the harassment became unbearable, along with his threats to fail her, the student sent a complaint to the VC on February 16.

This story was originally published in thenewsminute.com . Read the full story here

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