Dalit man’s house set afire, BJD workers’ role alleged (New Indian Express)

Stones were also reportedly pelted at the family members of the victim Brahmananda Bhoi (50) after he refused to support the candidate of a particular party.

The house of Brahmananda Bhoi destroyed in a fire at Sabhamula villagePhoto I Express

By Express News Service

JAGATSINGHPUR: The house of a dalit family was allegedly torched over election rivalry in Sabhamula village within Jagatsinghpur police limits on Thursday night.

Stones were also reportedly pelted at the family members of the victim Brahmananda Bhoi (50) after he refused to support the candidate of a particular party.

Sources said Brahmananda, his wife Banalata, daughter Sasmita and daughter-in-law Puja were sleeping when some miscreants, alleged to be BJD workers, set their house on fire. When the Bhoi family was trying to douse the fire, the miscreants also pelted stones at them.

Sasmita suffered injuries in the attack and was rushed to the nearby hospital by villagers for treatment. A cow and its calf also suffered burn injuries in the fire. At least three houses were gutted in the incident.

This story was originally published in newindianexpress.com. Read the full story here.

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