These quotes have been selected from Aprajita Sarcar and Mohan Rao’s article, “Pandemic as Population Check? The Dangerous Fallacies of Populationism,” which explores the dangers of support for “positive” population checks as India undergoes massive societal transformations due to the pandemic.
- Chandra, Jagriti (2020): “Health Data Shows India Does Not Need a Two-child Policy,” 23 December, viewed on 5 January 2021,
https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/health-data-shows-india-doesnt-ne… - Khaitan, Shreya (2020): “Why India Does Not Need a Two-child Law,” Indiaspend, 16 December, viewed on 5 January 2021, https://www.indiaspend.com/health/why-india-does-not-need-a-two-child-la…
- Malthus, Thomas Robert (1807): An Essay on the Principle of Population: A View of Its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness; with an Inquiry into Our Prospects Respecting the Future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils which it Occasions, Vol 1, Fourth Edition, London: J Johnson.
- Rao, Mohan (1994): “An Imagined Reality: Malthusianism, Neo-Malthusianism and Population Myth,” Economic & Political Weekly, Vol 29, No 5, pp 40–52.
This story first appeared on epw.in