By Shishir Arya

Nagpur: Bhartiya Gou Raksha Vahini, a cow protection outfit with senior RSS leader Indresh Kumar as its patron, has established an all India minority cell involving Muslim volunteers. The idea is to bring Muslims to the forefront of cow protection activities, to not only change the perception against the community but also bring them closer to other communities.
A BJP minority cell leader from Nagpur, Mohsin Zafar Khan, will be the minority cell’s first chief.

“There is a perception that members of the Muslim community are involved in cow smuggling. If Muslim workers get involved in protection, it would change the perception,” said Rakesh Singh Parihar, chairman of Go Raksha Vahini.

Khan, who assumed charge on Monday, has been involved in establishing cow shelters in Nagpur and nearby areas. The vahini will also focus on establishing cow shelters for older cattle.

This story was originally published in Read the full story here.