By News Desk

The Jammu Kashmir High Court ruled in favor of contractors previously delisted for being relatives of militants and separatists, allowing them to participate in the tendering process, The Hindu reported on Tuesday.

The court quashed an order from the Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj issued on March 15, 2023.

Justice Sanjeev Kumar heard multiple petitions from local contractors denied participation in government tenders due to alleged familial ties to militants or separatists.

The judge found merit in these petitions and quashed the department’s communication. He directed that the petitioners be allowed to participate in the tendering process.

The court noted that the competent authority had not proposed to cancel or refuse to renew the contractors’ registration certificates. The decision to debar them was based solely on the involvement of one or more relatives in anti-national activities in the early 1990s or later.

This story was originally published in Read the full story here.