Speaking at event organised by Muslim Rashtriya Manch, RSS functionary Indresh Kumar also said ‘secular parties see Muslims only as votes’ & asked community to back BJP in LS polls.

New Delhi: Muslims must break their Ramzan fasts with cow milk, and pledge to not eat cow meat, senior RSS functionary Indresh Kumar said Friday, even as he asserted that Hindus and Muslims have the same ancestry.
Kumar was speaking at an event organised by the Muslim Rashtriya Manch, an RSS-affiliated organisation, of which he has been a patron for over two decades. The event was organised for the launch of a new book by the organisation called Bharatiya Mussalman: Ekta ka Aadhar (Indian Muslim: the basis of unity).
Echoing the statement made by RSS sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat in 2021 about Hindus and Muslims having the same DNA, Indresh Kumar stated that Hindus and Muslims have the same ancestry. “We can change our religion, a Shyam may become Shahabuddin, but his ancestors remain the same — we have the same ancestors
This story was originally published in theprint.in. Read the full story here.