Ranchi: Last Friday night brought the news of the deaths of two young Muslim men in their respective families in Jharkhand. They were 21 and 25 years old. One has been alleged as a thief, the other has been termed as a sand smuggler.

“My son Wasim Sajjad had gone to his Nani’s place in Khal village. When we received a call from the police that they had caught our son and asked us to reach the police station,” Mumtaz Ansari, father of Wasim, informed eNewsroom over the phone.

Mumtaz is a school teacher, and his son Wasim was a graduate and holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree.

According to the father, Wasim used to work in Mumbai in a pipeline company and had come to visit the family recently as two of his sisters had gotten married on March 19.

Ansari further said, “When we reached the police station, we saw that Wasim was tied like an animal inside the back seat of a Bolero vehicle.”

“Initially, we were not allowed to meet him. But somehow we talked to him and before he went unconscious, he said that police inspector Krishan Kumar beat him mercilessly while he was returning from Nani’s place,” alleged Ansari.

However, police claim that Wasim met with an accident and inspector Kumar brought him.

A police officer said, “He was smuggling sand through a tractor and when told to stop, he tried to escape and fell from the vehicle injuring himself.”

But, father refuted such charges and mentioned, “Our tractor has been seized by police in January itself. The second tractor is at a house which is defunct,” he added…

This story was originally published in enewsroom.in. Read the full story here