BJP leader Nitesh Rane delivers dangerous speech at VHP-Bajrang Dal and Sakal Hindu Samaj event. While calling Muslims “green snakes,” he promoted conspiracy theories of love jihad, land jihad and threatened violence.
“There is another house which has been converted to a mosque, that house also has lots of religious conversions of Hindu women. Yet the cops don’t do anything. If you cops cant handle this, take a holiday one day and let us hindus handle the situation. Keep your phones shut, and trust me if we don’t beat these people to a pulp, we are not Hindus……If you don’t stop religious conversions of our women. We will kill you one by one….. The cops need to figure out where these Bangladeshi and Rohingya Muslims are living here and throw them out. Otherwise we will go and clear them up. Police must encounter Bangaldeshis and Roingiyas living in Ulhasnagar,” Rane told the crowd.