Assam health minister Ashok Singhal’s hate speech against “Miyas” (Bengali-speaking Muslims) sparked outrage and disruption in the Assam assembly on Tuesday, with legislators of the opposition AIUDF staging a protest, demanding a breach of privilege motion against him.
The controversy erupted after Singhal said at a meeting in his constituency – Dhekiajuli, an area with a large population of immigrant Muslims, “Miya” should not be allowed to operate shops during Hindu festivals.
In Assam, the term “Miya” is a euphemism often used in a derogatory manner to describe Bengali-speaking Muslim immigrants of Bangladeshi descent- a community, comprising over one crore people, that played a major role in the state’s anti-foreigner movement in the 1980s.
Singhal reportedly said he had “zero support” for them and urged people to side with him for his cooperation, while discouraging interactions between communities.
A video circulating online also captures the two-time BJP MLA stating, “Don’t give it (shops) to Miyas (during Bhaona event). Give it to our youths. How can Miyas enter our festival? Our boys do not enter on Eid. I am not with them. If you mingle with them, I am not with you.”
This story was originally published in maktoobmedia.com. Read the full story here.