A photo of Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi with a book behind her titled How to Make India a Christian Nation caused a stir on Indian social media. It is being used as a weapon in a new campaign by Hindu nationalist groups to stir up hatred against Christians on the Internet.
The image also shows a Bible and a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus prominently on a shelf, along with it is a caption that reads “Who reads all these books?” Another comment denounces Congress for “the growing conversions and brainwashing of young people.”
The source was easily traced: it is a photo taken from a video of Sonia Gandhi posted to her YouTube channel by her party in October 2020. In the video, however, neither the offending book (with the rather improbable title ), nor the Bible, nor the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is on the shelf behind her.
A specialist explains the reason for this attack: “Since Sonia Gandhi became the head of the Congress Party in 1998, she has been accused of being an agent of the CIA or of the Italian mafia, accusations which now extend to her son Rahul. Rumors without any proof that continue to circulate to fuel hatred against her for the simple fact that she was not born in India.”
Sonia Ghandi is indeed of Italian origin. In 1968 she married Rajiv Gandhi, eldest son of Indira Gandhi. The latter is the only daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, a close collaborator of Mahatma Gandhi, who was several times Minister and Prime Minister of India for nearly seventeen years.
His daughter Indira was twice elected Prime Minister of India, before being assassinated in 1984. Upon her death, Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister. He would be assassinated in turn in 1991.
After the death of her husband, Sonia Gandhi, who is of the Catholic faith, entered politics to perpetuate the dynasty. In 2004, following her party’s victory, she should have become prime minister, but withdrew in the face of fierce opposition from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
She is considered one of the most powerful women in the world.
This original personality is frequently targeted by the BJP, which fears her great influence and calls her an enemy of India. The family history can obviously raise fears that such accusations could lead to a violent death.
Either way, this falsification and lie are an attempt to turn attention from the appalling toll of Covid-19 and the collapse of the health care system in this second wave of the pandemic, and reorienting it towards a politician detested by the BJP, in particular for her Catholicism, and towards Christians in general.
This story was first appeared on fsspx.news