On 23 May, Mohammed Aquil Qureshi, a 42 year old meat seller from Bulandshahr in Uttar Pradesh was resting with his wife and children on the terrace when police raided his house to book him in a cow-slaughter case. Police tried to extort money from Qureshi but ended in holding his collar, knocking a pistol butt on his head and throwing him off the terrace. His two daughters and wife were the eyewitnesses. Aquil Qureshi, a father of five children – a son and four daughters – succumbed to injuries on 27 May, three days after police officials brutally attacked him. Most of Qureshi’s injuries were on his head.

Police claimed that Qureshi died when he tried to escape from the spot. Aquil Qureshi’s family had written a letter to the SDM on May 27, the day he died, saying that he was thrown off the terrace by policemen Sunil, Gaurav, Dilendra, Fareed and others after they injured him with pistol butts.

Aquil Qureshi’s family members speak to Maktoob.

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