At the Sanatan Hindu Ekta Padyatra, Dhirendra Shastri urged Hindus to adopt a ‘kattar’ (extremist) stance, reclaim mosques that were allegedly temples, and propogated the ‘love jihad’ conspiracy.
Ashwini Upadhyay called for strict action against cow smugglers and advocated charging those involved in religious conversions under NSA and UAPA, along with revoking their citizenship. He spread conspiracy theories about ‘love jihad,’ infiltration, population control, and ‘land jihad,’ while promoting anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Kajal Hindustani called for reclaiming Kashi and Mathura, demonized women from Shaheen Bagh as ‘burkhewali,’ and accused them of supporting illegal migration of Rohingyas and Bangladeshis. She propagated conspiracies of ‘love jihad’ and ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind,’ employing strong anti-Muslim rhetoric.