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Symbolization occurs when symbols are applied to classified groups to distinguish them from the dominant or genocidal group. While many groups can be identified by their signs of faith such as a Star of David or by the cultural dress group members choose to wear, when signs or symbols are forced upon members of specific groups, symbolization can signal a potential genocide. Such signs or symbols are deliberately applied to differentiate targeted groups from the general populace. For example, in Nazi Germany, Jews were forced to wear a yellow star on their clothing to mark their othered (and targeted) status. Symbolization may be coupled with dehumanization to deliberately mark members of the group as an internal threat.

Symbolization in India is most visible in political rhetoric and political cartoons. In political speeches and art, allusions to “Islamic attire” are used when describing the threats that India faces. After the outbreak of the Coronavirus in March 2020, “Corona Jihad” became a common phrase used to accuse the Muslim community of carrying out a ‘holy war’ (Jihad) against India by spreading Covid-19 in the country. In the backdrop of this , The Hindu, a widely circulated English daily newspaper in India, published a political cartoon that showed Coronavirus dressed in a Pathani suit, traditional attire worn by Muslims, pointing a gun at the world. The cartoon implied that the spread of COVID in India was caused by Muslims. This is an example of how symbols are used to promote categorization of Muslims as a threatening group.

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) inspired Sangh Parivar nationalists and the BJP government to use symbols to incite mobs to violently attack Muslims. Hindu mobs have killed Muslims and destroyed Muslim homes, believing that doing so will ‘purify’ the country. Without any judicial hearing or notice, bulldozers have demolished over a thousand Muslim homes in Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Their owners are accused of being Muslim ‘conspirators’ or protesters who have allegedly incited communal violence.   

This story was originally published in Read the full story here.