Manmohan Singh

By TNM Staff

Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh stated that no Indian Prime Minister has ever used such hateful, unparliamentary, and coarse terms as Narendra Modi, specifically targeting certain sections of society or the opposition. In a letter written to voters of Punjab, Manmohan Singh said that the narrative of dehumanisation has now reached its peak. 

“Modi ji has indulged in the most vicious form of hate speeches, which are purely divisive in nature. Modi ji is the first Prime Minister to lower the dignity of public discourse, and thereby the gravity of the office of the Prime Minister. No Prime Minister in the past has uttered such hateful, unparliamentary and coarse terms, meant to target either a specific section of the society or the opposition. It is now our duty to save our beloved nation from these forces of discord,” he said. Referring to Narendra Modi’s claim that Manmohan Singh had stated Muslims had the first claim on India’s resources, Manmohan Singh responded, “He has attributed false statements to me. I have never in my life singled out one community from another. That is solely the BJP’s domain.”Read our fact check on Modi’s speech. Manmohan Singh also appealed to the people of Punjab to vote for the Congress. “In the past ten years, the BJP government has left no stone unturned in castigating Punjab, Punjabis and Punjabiyat. 750 farmers, mostly belonging to Punjab, were martyred while incessantly waiting at Delhi borders, for months together. As if the lathis and the rubber bullets were not enough, none less than the Prime Minister verbally assaulted our farmers by calling them “Andolanjeevis” and “Parjeevi” (Parasites) on the floor of the Parliament. Their only demand was the withdrawal of the three farm laws imposed on them without consulting them,” he said. 

This story was originally published in Read the full story here.