17 years of Mecca Masjid Bomb blast: Activists renew call for justice (Maktoob Media)

By Maktoob Staff

Commemorating the 17th anniversary of Mecca Masjid bomb blast that killed nine people and injured 58 others, a group of Hyderabad-based activists on Saturday called upon Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy to reopen and conduct a retrial of the case.

The cellphone-triggered pipe bombing inside the mosque took place on May 18, 2007. While the Hussaini Alam police registered two cases, the Central Bureau of Investigation took over after re-registering them. Police initially arrested Muslims for the attack and alleged the role of a Pakistan-based Islamist group, Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami (HuJI).

However, evidence pointed to the involvement of Hindutva elements in the blast.

Co-signed by six activists, the letter also reminded that after the blast “the police opened fire on an irate crowd that had gathered in the immediate aftermath, resulting in the deaths of five more individuals”.

“Since that day, justice has eluded both those killed in the blast and those killed by the police,” read the letter.

This story was originally published in maktoobmedia.com. Read the full story here.

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